Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Some people call me, Space Cowboy...

They really don't, but I'm going to start asking some people to begin to do so. You know, working on this new Sci-Fi script has been intriguing as all hell.

My days are spent for the most part in research mode and notes; and my nights are taken up by actual writing on the script.

What's so much fun is the research, or rather what I've been learning about the Universe. It's easy to see how people can just as easily confuse the wonders of the natural world around them, with religion. The difference of course is that, unlike religion, the natural world doesn't just stop being amazing around them. I mean, when was the last time you followed a burning bush that wasn't someone smoking weed, or a hooker with a venereal disease?
For example, this image.

This is the Lenticular Galaxy, in the constellation Draco. It's 44 million light-years away(for those unfamiliar with light years. A light year is the speed of traveling for one year, at the speed of light, and the speed of light is 186,000 miles/second, so times that by 44 million, and that's how far you have to travel). This image is a composite of many separate exposures made in February 11, 2006 by the ACS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope using several different filters. It was a 2.5 hour exposure.

All the tech shit aside, this thing is absolutely beautiful. No burning bush, no parting of the Red Sea, no killing the first born, no doctrine, no manifesto. Just nature in all of it's glory. I can see why people can get the two confused. Here's how you can tell. One is fiction, a book written by people so scared when they are confronted by an image like the one you see here, all they can do is drop to their knees and pray to it. The other, is fact. That this galaxy, in all of its beauty, is a massive twirling mass of gas and matter. Does it make it any less spectacular?

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